New Year Resolutions for Your Home

The start of a new year is a great time for New Year Resolutions – for yourself and your home!  Let’s face it, the holidays are a crazy busy time for most, by the time January rolls around – some times things need a refresh.  Let’s go through some simple and great resolutions for your home so you can start the year off right!

  1. Detox for Your Home – Best place to start with refreshing your home is with a DEEP CLEAN.  Start in one part of the room and work your way around the room to your start point.  Remove anything that does not belong in that room and set a side.  Clean floors, walls, vacuum, wipe down, whatever you need to do – just clean it from top to bottom.  Doesn’t that feel great?!?
  2. Organize Your Stuff – OK, grab that pile of ‘stuff’ you pulled from wherever, and sort through it.  It it has a use or place – get it there, otherwise set a side to donate or trash.  You can utilize organization tools, like baskets, bins or just use what you have already in your home.  Don’t forget to clean up drawers, closets, and other good hiding places.
  3. Donate or Trash – Pile for donate or trash, sort through, trash was is not in good condition or usable by another.  Bag up, box up, and donate to places like Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, or Salvation Army, local outreach programs anything you think may be useful to others. Habitat for Humanity Restore does accept used furniture and often they will pick up if it’s in decent condition.

“A new year, a fresh start…”

  1. Recover or Replace Furniture – If it’s broken and can’t be fixed, it may be time to donate or toss that item.  Once you have cleaned, organized, and gotten rid of what you can – take a good look at what furniture is left and decide what to keep and what to get rid of.  If you need MORE storage in bedroom, try and storage bed or look at replacing your pieces, or set if you want to all match and can do it all at once.  Shop our bedroom furniture for great options – most sets can be bought by piece, so if you just need a chest – we got you!
  2. Say Goodnight to that Old Mattress – Take a good look at your mattress.  If it has seen better days, you are probably in need of replacing it.  Shopping for a mattress does not need to break the bank – we have lots of good quality, affordable mattress options to choose from.  Don’t forget the pillows either. We have great memory foam and traditional options there too.  A mattress protector that keeps allergens and dust mites away, so you can breath well and have a restful night’s sleep.  Shop our stores and learn more!
  3. Restyle & Redecorate – if cleaning, organizing, purging, replacing, has still not satisfied the look and feel of your home – maybe it’s time to redecorate and try something NEW!  Fresh paint, new furniture, wall art, area rugs, and accents can really refresh a room and make it all look good as new!
  4. Keep It Up! – Don’t forget to maintain the work you put into cleaning up your home!  Doing a little each day to recover and organize your space. Clean 1 room a day, little things help those BIG EFFORTS you made last a long time.  Once your home is the way you like it – get buy in from others to help you in maintaining that clean home space.

Shop Urban for great looks and ideas on ways to refresh your home. Create the retreat you have always dreamed of at home!  Your home should be your place you relax and recharge.  A little cleaning and work and you’ll be amazed how gorgeous your home will look.

~Your Friends at UFO